Events for March 24 - March 24

Deepen Connection Through Sensual Yoga

Tantra Yoga Temple Homestead, FL, United States

Experience the magic of connection in our unique and inclusive Partner Tantra Yoga class. This isn't just for couples but anyone ready to explore yoga in a collaborative and supportive…

Sensualiteas Temple

Sensualiteas Temple Homestead, FL, United States

Elevate Your Senses with Sensualiteas Step into a world of sensory exploration and connection at the Sensualiteas Temple, hosted by Josh and Donell at the Sol y Luna Tantric Shamanic…

Sacred Puja

Love Temple Homestead, FL, United States

In the gentle embrace of the Sacred Puja, we gather as souls, transcending the boundaries of sex, gender, labels, and the constraints of a world that seeks to divide. Here,…

Orgasmic Activation

Love Temple Homestead, FL, United States

A Mouthwatering Sensory Dive into Tantric Foundations and Food Play Prepare yourself for a tantalizing adventure that delves into the healing oasis of tantric foundations and food play. Elevate your…

Embracing Erotic Dark Archetypes

Dark Eros Temple Homestead, FL, United States

Discover Your Erotic Self. Delve into the depths of your desires and explore the rich tapestry of your Erotic Dark Archetypes in this exclusive 2-hour workshop, led by the experienced…

The Naked Goddess Celebration: Embrace Your Naked Truth

Sacred Lagoon Homestead, FL, United States

Naked and Unashamed: A Journey of Self-Love and Sisterhood. Ladies, this one's for you—women with a womb, gather around for a celebration of your authentic selves in a safe, sacred,…

The Last Supper Ceremony

Community Dinning Room Homestead, FL, United States

Join us for a unique celebration at Sol y Luna, where we embrace community, sustainability, and shared abundance. As part of our ongoing mission to reduce food waste and celebrate…